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Intimacy with the Father

Do you ever feel like you're failing in your relationship with God? Do you feel disconnected from Him in the place of prayer?

So much of my spiritual growth in my early Christian life was stunted because I thought my relationship with God began with me. I was focused on the practical things I could do to be closer to God. In that place, I became hyper-critical. I was always measuring myself. When I thought of myself and began with myself, I ran into my weakness.

In fact, the more I focused on myself, the more I failed. The more I failed, the more I felt ashamed. The more I felt ashamed, the more I performed religiously. But I want to say this. Intimacy does not begin with us. It begins with God. God has invited us into an eternal, preexistent relationship with the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. 

In this six-week course, Intimacy with the Father, we are going to explore what the Bible says about our heavenly Father and what it means to be adopted into His family as His precious sons and daughters. Then I am going to give you guided meditation tips and exercises, so you can take what you're leaning about God to God in prayer and find your heart expanding and drawing near. 

This course includes: 

  • 30 video sessions 
  • 12 minutes (average per session)
  • Course notes for every session 
  • Guided meditation tips and exercises 
  • Weekly webinar with Allen
  • Lifetime access to the content

We will be launching the class September 1 and going on a 40-day journey into the heart of the Father until October 10. Alongside the daily video sessions, Allen will host a weekly webinar that facilities an opportunity for live teaching, discussion, and prayer.

The last day to sign up for this course is August 30th. 

Hope to see you soon,
